Types of businesses allowed by right are: art studios, computer programming, drafting and graphic services, dressmaking, sewing and tailoring, home crafts, music lessons, professional and contractor offices, sales representatives—office only, secretarial services, beauty shops by occupant only, minor repair services, and other similar uses.
Districts Where Allowed
Permitted by Right
Vehicle Parking:
Bicycle Parking:
Passenger Loading:
Merchandise Loading:
Development Requirements:
(A) The principal use of the premises shall be for single- or two-family dwelling purposes only.
(B) No activity shall be involved which indicates from the exterior that the building is being used for any purpose other than that of a dwelling.
(C) The activity shall be clearly incidental to the residential use of the premises.
(D) The activity shall not result in any hazard to the public such as generation of substantial volume of vehicular or pedestrian traffic or parking demand.
(E) The occupation shall be carried on solely within either the main or an accessory building, and it shall utilize no more than 25% of the gross floor area of any such building.
(F) A person must reside on the premises in order to be employed by the business.
(G) No goods, materials, parts, tools or other equipment shall be displayed, used or stored outside a building.
(H) No equipment shall be used which creates excessive dust, smoke, odor, noise, electrical disturbance or other conditions which are detrimental to the character, condition, value and enjoyment of other residential property in the neighborhood.
(I) In order to protect the visual aspects of the residential neighborhood and not significantly reduce the availability of parking for residents, home business customers shall not park in the right-of-way or on the street. Any need for parking generated by the home business use shall be met off the street and remain on-premises.
(J) Persons conducting a home business or professional office must submit an application and pay any applicable fees for such use as required by § 234-32.
(K) No other local ordinance, provision or state statute or rule shall be violated.