Zoning Code Permit Center

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The land development process, whether simple (adding a shed in the backyard) or complex, involves different types of review procedures. The procedures from the Town's zoning code are listed below along with others that relate to the land develoment process. You'll find details and additional resources in each one.

If you're not sure what reviews are required, contact us and tell us more about your project. We're happy to help you figure it out.

Administrative Appeal Any person can appeal an administrative decision to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Show Less Show More Code Amendment The Town can amend the zoning text and map (rezoning). Show Less Show More Conditional Use Although each zoning district is primarily intended for a predominant type of land use, there are some uses that may be appropriate under certain conditions. These are referred to as “conditional uses” and are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Show Less Although each zoning district is primarily intended for a predominant type of land use, there are some uses that may be appro... Show More Fence Permit A fence permit is needed to install most kinds of fences. Show Less Show More Planned Unit Development A planned unit development is a special kind of zoning district that allows some flexibility in a project's design. Show Less Show More Sign Permit A sign permit is needed for many, but not all, types of signs. Those signs not requiring a permit must also comply with sign standards in the zoning code. Show Less A sign permit is needed for many, but not all, types of signs. Those signs not requiring a permit must also comply with sign ... Show More Site Plan and Plan of Operation Site plan review is required for most commercial and industrial projects and for many conditional uses. The operation of the business and overall design of the site are the primary focus - the relationship of buildings to the site and other features, the flow of pedestrians and traffic within the project and beyond the borders of the project. Show Less Site plan review is required for most commercial and industrial projects and for many conditional uses. The operation of the ... Show More Telecommunication - Class 2 Collocation Antenna collocations that do not constitute a substantial modification are reviewed administratively. Show Less Show More Telecommunication - New Tower and Class 1 Collocation New telecommunication towers and collocations that constitute a substantial modification are subject to public review. Show Less Show More Variance A property owner can submit a variance application seeking approval to not follow one or more standard in the zoning code. Show Less Show More Zoning Permit A zoning permit is required of most kinds of projects. When a zoning permit is required, all other required reviews must occur first. Zoning permits are reviewed by the zoning administrator. Show Less A zoning permit is required of most kinds of projects. When a zoning permit is required, all other required reviews must occu... Show More